UE5/UE4 Advanced Master Material For Props
Compatible with UE 5.1 / 5.0 / 4.27.
The Advanced Master Material For Props allows you to create environments easily and quickly. It has all the features of a AAA Game Studio. You can create 90% of your environments just with this material. You will no longer have to waste time creating dozens of small materials, you can now focus only on creating your environments.
This product is only for Props (Static Meshes).
If you want to be informed of news, updates or if you have any questions, you can join my Discord server.
This product supports Nanite and Lumen for Unreal Engine 5.0+
Please follow the documentation to enable Lumen.
- The Master Material works with the layer system.
- Possibility to blend the layers with 6 methods :
- Angle Blending : Allows you to blend materials depending on the angle.
- Height Blending : Allows you to blend materials by comparing their heights.
- Height Tilt Blending : Allows to blend materials in the desired angle, height and direction.
- Distance Field Blending : Allows you to blend materials using the distance field.
- Texture Mask Blending : Allows to blend materials using a texture mask with the optional histogram select to choose the desired area.
- Vertex Painting : Allows you to blend materials using the color of vertices.
- Fully PBR, textures maps supported: Translucency (Subsurface), Albedo, Normal, Height, Roughness, Metallic, Ambient Occlusion, Emissive, Opacity, Anisotropy and (Specular IOR parameter)
- Textures Packing system to optimize, pack 5 textures maps in 2 textures files.
- Support of Virtual Texture Streaming to use 8k textures, UDIM.
- Optimization is scalable according to the number of features enabled.
- UV : Scale (global, vertical, horizontal), offset in percent, rotation in degrees, support of 4 UV index.
- World Position : Scale (global, vertical, horizontal) scale based on physical size (1 value = 1 meter), offset in percent, rotation in degrees, choice of XYZ projection axes.
- Triplanar : Scale (global, vertical, horizontal) scale based on physical size (1 value = 1 meter), offset in percent, rotation in degrees. (scale, offset, rotation) for texture on top and sides, possibility to put several textures: one on top and one on the sides.
- Object Position : Allows textures that use world position or triplanar (in world space) to follow the location and rotation of the mesh (in object space).
- Material Parameters for total control of the look of the materials.
- Fake Ambient Occlusion : Allows you to have the effect of the AO which is disabled when using the dynamic lighting. Possibility to disable this feature if you want to use the static lighting and the real AO.
- Material Details : Allows you to add a second normal map, or to fully replace the material when you are close to a mesh.
- Tessellation and WPO : Tessellation in UE4 and WPO in UE5 .
- Character Tracks : Allows to deform any material when your character or an object is on it (like snow and mud).
- Bump and Parallax Occlusion.
- Weather features : puddles (with rain ripples, waves, frozen water, character interraction), frost, snow (with character interraction), humidity, rain drops.
- Mask Weather Occlusion: Possibility to work with your own weather system by inserting a render target to hide the places where the weather should not affect the materials (like under a roof).
- Mask Overlay : Allows you to add details to the materials such as adding dirt, fingerprints or anything else (affects color, specular, roughness, metallic).
- Mask Edges To Normal : Allows to give depth between the different layers of materials (like rust).
- Correct Distance Reflections : Allows you to disable the reflection of objects when they are at a certain distance and their reflections should not be visible anymore.
- Runtime Virtual Texture (RVT) : Allows you to blend the meshes in the landscape.
- Dithered Blending : Allows you to blend the meshes in the landscape or with others meshes.
- Random Value Per Position : Allows you to modify the albedo, roughness and metallic randomly according to their position, up to 8 variations.
- Custom Primitive Data Index : Allows you to modify the albedo, roughness without having to create new material instance which save draw calls.
- Fade Model Into Ground : Allows to hide the meshes into the ground in order to hide their disappearance when using the culling distance.
Number of Textures: 97
Texture Resolutions:
4k (93)
2k (3)
1k (1)
1px (8)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Not tested)
Documentation: Tuto video
Terms of use :
The product may not be redistributed, sold, or incorporated into your asset to be sold or shared.
The product can only be part of a media : games, videos, movies ...